barnes & noble book fair - December 9, 2023

Please join us this Saturday, December 9th, for our annual Barnes & Noble Bookfair, 960 S Colorado Blvd, 10am - 6pm. Use this voucher in store or online on December 9th and a portion of all sales will go to our Denver Cherry Creek Rotary Club Foundation. We use the income to purchase children's books that we donate the the Salvation Army Red Shield for families. It is a win-win for everyone, especially the children.
Youth & literacy
Imagination LIbrary
youth leadership
Student essay contest

Our Student Essay Contest identifies and supports talented young writers who present winning essays at our annual event. And what an outstanding group of essays we heard at McAulilffe International School! Rotarian Bevin Wallace opened the contest with a presentation on her work as a professional writer. This year's theme was "How has the pandemic affected you?". The five finalists each read their work aloud for the audience of about 50 people before the winner was announced. Congratulations to winning essayist Margaret Bingham!